O Que Fazemos

O nosso aconselhamento estratégico ajuda a concretizar as ideias operacionais e organizacionais dos nossos clientes.

Concentramo-nos na criação de mudanças positivas no sector da saúde e, com os atuais peritos em saúde, criámos uma comunidade para partilhar e moldar ideias que transformarão os cuidados de saúde.

Trabalhamos para assegurar a transformação do sector, gerando um impacto significativo sobre os clientes, fornecendo conhecimentos estratégicos e criando um sistema de saúde que satisfaça as necessidades das comunidades e das empresas. 

A 1 de Novembro de 2021, a equipa de consultoria estratégica de Saúde e Ciências da Vida da Huron juntou-se a Oliver Wyman, permitindo-nos levar a nossa busca por uma forma mais otimizada de operar a empresas farmacêuticas, biotecnológicas e de dispositivos médicos.  Os nossos novos colegas trazem a perícia necessária para ajudar as empresas de saúde a abordar as suas questões estratégicas mais prementes, incluindo questões de marketing e de acesso cada vez mais complexas.


Como pensamos

Designing For 2035

Designing For 2035

Dive into the future of healthcare with industry leaders. Discover innovative strategies for designing a healthcare system for the next decade

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The Impact Of Climate Change On Human Health

The Impact Of Climate Change On Human Health

This new study projects as many as 14.5 million additional deaths and $12.5 trillion in economic losses by 2050

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Life sciences Dealmaking Poised To Rebound In 2024

Investors should be encouraged by the increased need for new revenue streams and heightened demand for inorganic growth strategies among biopharma companies

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Europe's Innovation Dilemma

Europe's Innovation Dilemma

Europe’s pharmaceutical industry risks falling behind the rest of the world without increased investment in innovation

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How Pharma Can Achieve Net Zero Goals

How Pharma Can Achieve Net Zero Goals

Pharmaceutical companies are making bold pledges to reduce their carbon footprints. Getting there means overcoming some significant hurdles

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The Case For Partnering With Your Competitors

The Case For Partnering With Your Competitors

From a potential recession to growing cost pressures, insurers face a host of uncertainties this year. One way to ease the pain is to take a cue from other industries and partner with competitors.

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Cell and Gene Therapy Challenge

Cell and Gene Therapy Challenge

How to treat a million patients

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A Personalized Model For Primary Care

A Personalized Model For Primary Care

Primary care must evolve to better meet patient needs and improve the patient experience.

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 Closing The Gender Health Gap

Closing The Gender Health Gap

Pharma’s opportunity to move the needle on closing the gender health gap.

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Affordability And Quality Impact

There is immense pressure across the entire healthcare landscape to provide higher quality care, improve the patient experience, lower costs, and reduce clinician burnout. Our Affordability and Quality Impact practice has deep expertise across lines of business to help organizations identify cost drivers, find efficiencies, improve quality of care, and more.

Modelo de mudança de seguro de saúde

O nosso modelo ajuda os decisores políticos a compreender o impacto das elevadas taxas de desemprego na futura combinação de seguros de saúde.


Quem Somos